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Safeguarding Code In Martial Arts


Updated: August 2022
Review: August 2023


1.  Policy statement (including note relating to the interim arrangements during the transition to Safeguarding Partners in the Local Authority.)

2.  Key aims of the policy

3.  Responsibilities

4.  What to do if there is a concern

5.  Allegations and whistleblowing

5.  Related guidance and legislation



1.  Policy statement


“Everyone who works with children has a responsibility for keeping them safe. No single practitioner can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances and, if children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action” (WT 2018)


AEGIS Martial Arts Academies fully recognise their responsibilities for safeguarding, including child and vulnerable adult protection. 


Our policy applies to all staff, volunteers and instructors working within the academy environment.


The academy will support the work of the Local Authority (see note below) by ensuring its arrangements are compliant with local expectations.


2.  Key aims of this policy.


  • Ensuring we practice safe recruitment in checking the suitability of staff and instructors to work with students.

  • Raising awareness of safeguarding issues and equipping students with the skills needed to keep them safe.

  • Implementing procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse.

  • Establishing a safe environment in which all students can learn and develop.


We recognise that because of the day to day contact with children, our instructors are well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse. We will therefore:


  • Establish and maintain an environment where students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, and are listened to.

  • Include opportunities in the training syllabus for students to develop the skills they need to recognise and stay safe from abuse.


We will follow the procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board / Safeguarding Partnerships and take account of guidance issued by the government to:


  • ensure we have the senior instructor will act as the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for child and adult protection and they have received appropriate training and support for this role.

  • ensure all staff and instructors understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated senior person responsible for child protection.

  • develop effective links with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with their enquiries regarding child protection matters including attendance at case conferences.

  • keep written records of concerns about children, even where there is no need to refer the matter immediately.

  • ensure all records are kept securely; separate from the main student file, and in locked locations.

  • follow procedures where an allegation is made against a member of staff or instructor.

  • ensure safe recruitment practices are always followed.


3.  Responsibilities.


The Senior Instructor in each academy will act as the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).  All concerns noted should be raised with the DSL in the first instance, although it should be noted that any member of staff can make a referral directly to Social Care and/or the Police, if necessary.  Contact numbers for Local Authorities are included in the supporting information. Abigail Clay can be contacted directly to discuss any concerns and take further advice (contact details included in supporting information.)


4.  What to do if there is a concern.


All academy staff should be clear regarding the referral process within each academy.  This would usually be an initial discussion with the DSL.  The DSL will then make a decision regarding the next steps. 

A ‘Cause for Concern’ form should be completed for EACH concern raised and these will be kept securely within each academy.



5.  Allegations and whistle blowing.       


All academies have a culture of transparency and accountability.  Any concerns relating to staff behaviour should be reported immediately to the DSL (unless the allegation is relating to the DSL in which case the referral should be made directly to Chief Instructor Master Tony Higo).

Clear whistleblowing procedures are included in the supporting information. 


6.  Information Sharing.


Practitioners must have due regard to the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 and the Data Protection Act 2018 which supports the effective sharing of personal information, including ‘special category personal data’.

Additional guidance is available within the supporting information


5.  Key relevant legislation and guidance


AEGIS procedures and supporting information (updated August 2022)


Working together to safeguard children 2018


Children Acts 1989 & 2004


Equality Act 2010


United Nations convention on the Rights of the Child 1991

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